Saturday, June 26, 2010


Everybody looks for happiness in life, but hey, its not that simple. People who aren't very fortunate always thinks and worries about money. they'll think that money will give them happiness but on the other hand people who have everything in life,all the money, cars, houses, women, only thinks about the simple life. where they can get away from all those friends who only want their money. Well it's like they always say, the grass is always greener on the other side. It's like we always want what we cant have or what we don't have. My mom never ever bought me any of those expensive playstations and gameboys or whatever. I don't even bother asking because i know i'll never get it. If i want it, go get a job and but it yourself. You might think that i come from a wealthy family but most of the things i get are free. Yea well my dad's side of the family used to be kinda "famous" in klang and everyone assumes that im rich. well think again, my grandad spent all his cash and left nothing for his kids and grandkids. all there was we're debt to pay. So try not reading a book by it's cover. you don't really learn much through it. Anyways, about hapiness. It's really something that you'll always want but cant get when actually, all the happiness you ever need is surrounding you. Just need to look harder. I know where my happiness is. with my friends and family. I have a really awesome family(discluding the external fam) and my friends. their just simply fun be with. we're all dumbfuck jackasses who just do anything that seems fun. Thats what you call happiness. to me that is.

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