Friday, August 27, 2010


Like seriously. what the fuck is wrong with the world these days. even back then. we judge people by colour and where their from. What's the point? we are all fucking human ! We're all the same. inside and out. we have emotions, we have feelings and its not good to judge. Recently here in Malaysia, there are like teachers saying that us chinese and indians are "pendatang asing" and that this is the malay's land. Well fuck you teacher ! Our indian and chinese ancestors all went through the same shit that everyone else did back then during the british and other invasions. Everyone went through the same suffering. What makes you all so special? Even so, everyone is already happy with their lives and are just going through it fine. why the hell do you need to spread racism around. It only provokes everyone and makes them contain more rage leading to wars and fights. Us kids in school are fine with the other races. we bond. we back each other up. we try learning each others cultures and languages. It's the uneducated ass holes and bitches who are causing the hatred in the world. We all dream of living in peace and have a crime free life. How can that ever happen when people are still hating each other and looking at others through their skin tone . Seriously, fuck racist and their bullshit.