Monday, June 28, 2010


I'd never thought the day would come where when my mind would go blank. nothing, empty, thoughtless. I feel zombified. Well i wont make today be that day. the more i type, the more shit runs through my mind. Maybe its good that i write so i wont just go blank and start zoning out everywhere.

People probably get bored reading my blog half way because its all just words. I dont like reading too many words either. Just to lazy. especially when i don't even feel comfortable sitting in front of the computer. fuckin' weather is so damn hot.

Now i know what i'll talk about! Global Warming. like seriously people. you might not think that its that bad because of your air-conds and super cooling houses. All those things just make global warming worse. When you start complaining about the heat, blame yourself. Every single one of us caused global warming and we should try making it better!

Sometimes i just think that people only have air in their heads. They should go to sleep at night worrying about global warming instead of other pointless shit. I love tree's. so why are we chopping them down? for paper? for product made of wood? FUCK THAT SHIT! stop throwing away paper like its nothing. and everyone should plant tree's everywhere. it just makes the air nicer to breath. its better than breathing carbon monoxide from cars and ciggs.

Just feels so free when you can lye on fresh grass under a really huge tree. Makes you feel free and lets your mind go wild. So stop being ass holes and start thinking about what it'll be like in 10 years. we might all be carrying oxygen tanks while walking around and that would seriously be annoying. I admit that i myself sometimes do actually be that ass hole i'm talking about but at least i'm thinking about how i'd be like. and try helping by re-using paper from my old school books. most people just throw them away. Well thats all about my superbly random post.

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