Thursday, June 24, 2010


Everyday , we face situations where we need to make a choice.For everything we do, we always end up having to make a choice.sometimes bad sometimes good.It just depends on that choice you made. Well for me, i hate making choices because i can never make up my mind. I always worry about the end result and too bad i always make the wrong ones.Its like choosing a road to use and end up at a dead end but at least you can make a U-TURN and go somewhere else. Whats bad about choices are when you tell something to someone or if it has anything to do with something that you cant go back to the part where you we're making that choice.Then you'd be fucked.That silly choice might fuck up your whole day or week and or even relationship with your friends.Thats why, we should always stop and take a sec to think about which choice you want to make. Don't just go running into situations unprepared. Sometimes we make choices which we think are correct but turns out wrong and at that time, you'll think about what you did or what you said. We might make a wrong choice of the people to hang out with too and turn up being a real ass hole. You might regret it but what if when you finally realize, everyone already hates you and you cant really do much to show them the "real" you. Most of that shit only happens in high school or college. When you start working, those choices become even more heavy and you might screw up again but by that time you'd already be matured and know how to think and respond to someone. we should all STOP BEING ASS HOLES TO EVERYONE AND START SMILING EVERYWHERE :D i realize i just have too much crap to crap about.

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