My point of views
Friday, August 27, 2010
Like seriously. what the fuck is wrong with the world these days. even back then. we judge people by colour and where their from. What's the point? we are all fucking human ! We're all the same. inside and out. we have emotions, we have feelings and its not good to judge. Recently here in Malaysia, there are like teachers saying that us chinese and indians are "pendatang asing" and that this is the malay's land. Well fuck you teacher ! Our indian and chinese ancestors all went through the same shit that everyone else did back then during the british and other invasions. Everyone went through the same suffering. What makes you all so special? Even so, everyone is already happy with their lives and are just going through it fine. why the hell do you need to spread racism around. It only provokes everyone and makes them contain more rage leading to wars and fights. Us kids in school are fine with the other races. we bond. we back each other up. we try learning each others cultures and languages. It's the uneducated ass holes and bitches who are causing the hatred in the world. We all dream of living in peace and have a crime free life. How can that ever happen when people are still hating each other and looking at others through their skin tone . Seriously, fuck racist and their bullshit.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
smiles :D
Smiling, it's a way to show people that you're happy or enjoying that moment. It would never hurt anyone to just smile once in awhile. It good to smile at everyone, even strangers whom which you have never met or seen before. So if someone smiles at you, just smile back. It'll make them feel better too. Some people smile to hide away all their sadness and depression. It works most of the time but some people can tell whether it's a fake or a real smile. Most teenagers these day get all upset and moody for no reason. Maybe they broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend and thinks it's the end of the world. Well i say thats bullshit. you people are teenagers already. time to be mature and think right. Don't slit your wrist because you think it'll help because it WON'T! only endangers your life more. fucking moronic
Being happy is a good thing and acting happy just makes you even more sad. Yea we might have our crappy days but when you're down, get up and start walking again as fast as you can. Don't be vulnerable and let people take advantage of you. Everyone loves to see a smile and i know you do to. If someone breaks up with you, get past it and show the person who broke that tiny heart of yours how happy you are without them . Trying making that fake smile of yours real. I love being happy, so i try to throw away all the negativity and get back on my feet to have more fun. you should too.
Being happy is a good thing and acting happy just makes you even more sad. Yea we might have our crappy days but when you're down, get up and start walking again as fast as you can. Don't be vulnerable and let people take advantage of you. Everyone loves to see a smile and i know you do to. If someone breaks up with you, get past it and show the person who broke that tiny heart of yours how happy you are without them . Trying making that fake smile of yours real. I love being happy, so i try to throw away all the negativity and get back on my feet to have more fun. you should too.
Friday, July 9, 2010
It's time to grow up

Well people, i guess it's time to grow up. Start growing some balls, some guts and some brains. STOP acting like a lil kid and be immature. It sucks. I can't say that i'm all grown up and i'm mature and all that other shit because im not. i act like a kid at times but still i don't go all the way and totally transform to a kid like some teenagers. Yea you might think you're all big and grown up if your smoke or drink and even go to clubs but hey, if you do all that then why are you still acting like a kid. Doing awesomely dumb things is ok but not run around like a dumb ass kid. IT'S ANNOYING!
Try using your common sense once in a while. It makes you look smarter thus, you will look more mature too. So what if you swear like me? aven a 5 year old kid says fuck. exibit A(mua). So, think straight. Even if you haven't had a taste of what life is yet, at least understand how its like. What every single dollar is worth. Most of the time, rich kids never know how its like. How its like to live in the slum's, how its like to be poor, how its like to have a crappy job. They go shopping, see something they want and in a blink of an eye, it's already in their hands. I like people who know what its like to have gone through that shit. They wont act so stuck up all the time. I've never been through all that but at least i understand what it's like. I know a little about how it is out there. where it's fucked up, where people are struggling to live. IT SUCKS! im happy. Happy with my life, my family and my friends. I'm a very very fortunate people. I came up with a new slogan *If you have too much, Give a little to the less fortunate. If you have enough, don't keep asking for more and be happy with what you've got. If you have very little, dont wait for things to fall on your hands, work for what you want and make it yours, grab every little chance you get*
Monday, July 5, 2010
People and their stupidity

Sometimes in life we meet people who are very nice, smart, talented and fun to be with and other times we just meet people who aren't any of the above. They are just really really DUMB. Like seriously some people just have no limit of their stupidity. I'm not trying to be offensive but, come on people. i know there's a brain in there that actually works.Most of the time, these people aren't mental or what so ever. they are just plain and simply moronic.
There are people who just won't take no for an answer. especially some of those annoying people on facebook who just won't stop fucking adding you. i ignored you're request because, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW YOU! well if i met you before or maybe i've hanged out with you somewhere i'd actually approve. but you people are from i don't know what state or country. i don't think i want to be your friend.
I like smart people. someone i can talk to and actually try to be smarter than them. Not some fucktard that just goes *uhhh, what??*. I especially love people who understand me =D I bet everyone of you gets pissed at those annoying moronic people who are just so UGGGGHHHHH! makes you feel like you're talking to a pole.
lately i seriously got no idea about what to post about. guess nothings hitting my mind
Friday, July 2, 2010
Saving your ass

We will always try to escape from things. especially things that scare us or things that are risky. We tend to run away from the truth sometimes too. because the truth isn't always very pleasant. We can either point fingers or just take the blame. I'll choose to point fingers when that person is really close to me. as a joke that is =D and seriously, no one ever takes the blame. because no one dares facing the problem. Well grow some balls. We have to face our problems eventually and get rid of them.
Being like me is the easiest. go with the flow. don't worry about things and try facing them as quick as you can because its easier on the soul. You wont worry too much and start being paranoid. I get paranoid a lot actually. I constantly check to see if my things are still with me or if i left anything behind. Which is also better or else you'd turn up like my buddie wee king. I cannot count the times he's left his bag at a mamak stall or his things in peoples houses or cars. that is epic.
Anyways, we will alway try to save our asses and end up blaming someone else. it might not be the same for everyone but i guess most of us are the same. Most of us sometimes lie to get out of a situation. this happens all the time and we're trying to escape from a person or telling someone the truth or even paying for something you did wrong. through out eyes, we are always innocent =D
Thursday, July 1, 2010
creativity in minds

I bet you always wonder "how the hell did he/she come up with that?". Sometimes even in add's on tv or on billboards. You just stop and think. damn i would have never thought of that. Some people just have a little more creativity. These things just pop into their head randomly and BAM! you got a new idea. some are superbly awesome and others are just a little dull :/
Even when i'm writing on my blog. i don't plan everything i'm about to write. it just flow's in and i type away like im in another world. It's nice to zone out and be in your own world once in awhile. escape from all the craziness around you. Anyways, about creativity. some people have and some just dont. too bad for those uncreative losers. uncreativity kinda makes you unfun.
I like being random and have a mind that constantly runs. a mind that can bring me to candy mountain or something(candy mountain is from "charlie the unicorn". funny shit). It's creative minds that make serious shows turn funny. So people. try expanding your mind a little. it helps alot. its good for the spirit =D try going to candy mountain once in awhile too. im out
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Fitting in

All of us had this feeling before. the feeling of boing left out, unwanted , hated, used, unappreciated and useless. All we ever only want is just to fit in. in a group that suits us, the way we walk, talk and act. Sometimes, people just cant accept us and we cant take it because we want to be like them so so much. Well from my point of view, we shouldn't show our vulnerable side and act desperate. Just stick our head up high, proud of who we are and don't change the person you are just to fit in with a bunch of ass holes. Make people wanna know you, wanna be friends with you, wanna just be close to you.
Sometimes, we aren't the ones who wanna fit in but someone else wanting to fit in with us. we should just try accepting them to see how they are and not just judge them the first time you see them. Especially when their new in town or school or at work. everyone needs friends or peeps. But when you go to somewhere new, make sure you get people to think that you're nice or fun to be with, not act like a jerk and have everyone hate you. Luckily for me. i kinda fit in all the time but i still have those fudge peckers who just simply hate me for nothing. SCREW THEM. i got my own friends to care about.
Thats my description of "fitting in" and don't you just love that picture. =D
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'd never thought the day would come where when my mind would go blank. nothing, empty, thoughtless. I feel zombified. Well i wont make today be that day. the more i type, the more shit runs through my mind. Maybe its good that i write so i wont just go blank and start zoning out everywhere.
People probably get bored reading my blog half way because its all just words. I dont like reading too many words either. Just to lazy. especially when i don't even feel comfortable sitting in front of the computer. fuckin' weather is so damn hot.
Now i know what i'll talk about! Global Warming. like seriously people. you might not think that its that bad because of your air-conds and super cooling houses. All those things just make global warming worse. When you start complaining about the heat, blame yourself. Every single one of us caused global warming and we should try making it better!
Sometimes i just think that people only have air in their heads. They should go to sleep at night worrying about global warming instead of other pointless shit. I love tree's. so why are we chopping them down? for paper? for product made of wood? FUCK THAT SHIT! stop throwing away paper like its nothing. and everyone should plant tree's everywhere. it just makes the air nicer to breath. its better than breathing carbon monoxide from cars and ciggs.
Just feels so free when you can lye on fresh grass under a really huge tree. Makes you feel free and lets your mind go wild. So stop being ass holes and start thinking about what it'll be like in 10 years. we might all be carrying oxygen tanks while walking around and that would seriously be annoying. I admit that i myself sometimes do actually be that ass hole i'm talking about but at least i'm thinking about how i'd be like. and try helping by re-using paper from my old school books. most people just throw them away. Well thats all about my superbly random post.
People probably get bored reading my blog half way because its all just words. I dont like reading too many words either. Just to lazy. especially when i don't even feel comfortable sitting in front of the computer. fuckin' weather is so damn hot.
Now i know what i'll talk about! Global Warming. like seriously people. you might not think that its that bad because of your air-conds and super cooling houses. All those things just make global warming worse. When you start complaining about the heat, blame yourself. Every single one of us caused global warming and we should try making it better!
Sometimes i just think that people only have air in their heads. They should go to sleep at night worrying about global warming instead of other pointless shit. I love tree's. so why are we chopping them down? for paper? for product made of wood? FUCK THAT SHIT! stop throwing away paper like its nothing. and everyone should plant tree's everywhere. it just makes the air nicer to breath. its better than breathing carbon monoxide from cars and ciggs.
Just feels so free when you can lye on fresh grass under a really huge tree. Makes you feel free and lets your mind go wild. So stop being ass holes and start thinking about what it'll be like in 10 years. we might all be carrying oxygen tanks while walking around and that would seriously be annoying. I admit that i myself sometimes do actually be that ass hole i'm talking about but at least i'm thinking about how i'd be like. and try helping by re-using paper from my old school books. most people just throw them away. Well thats all about my superbly random post.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Everybody looks for happiness in life, but hey, its not that simple. People who aren't very fortunate always thinks and worries about money. they'll think that money will give them happiness but on the other hand people who have everything in life,all the money, cars, houses, women, only thinks about the simple life. where they can get away from all those friends who only want their money. Well it's like they always say, the grass is always greener on the other side. It's like we always want what we cant have or what we don't have. My mom never ever bought me any of those expensive playstations and gameboys or whatever. I don't even bother asking because i know i'll never get it. If i want it, go get a job and but it yourself. You might think that i come from a wealthy family but most of the things i get are free. Yea well my dad's side of the family used to be kinda "famous" in klang and everyone assumes that im rich. well think again, my grandad spent all his cash and left nothing for his kids and grandkids. all there was we're debt to pay. So try not reading a book by it's cover. you don't really learn much through it. Anyways, about hapiness. It's really something that you'll always want but cant get when actually, all the happiness you ever need is surrounding you. Just need to look harder. I know where my happiness is. with my friends and family. I have a really awesome family(discluding the external fam) and my friends. their just simply fun be with. we're all dumbfuck jackasses who just do anything that seems fun. Thats what you call happiness. to me that is.
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