Thursday, July 1, 2010

creativity in minds

I bet you always wonder "how the hell did he/she come up with that?". Sometimes even in add's on tv or on billboards. You just stop and think. damn i would have never thought of that. Some people just have a little more creativity. These things just pop into their head randomly and BAM! you got a new idea. some are superbly awesome and others are just a little dull :/

Even when i'm writing on my blog. i don't plan everything i'm about to write. it just flow's in and i type away like im in another world. It's nice to zone out and be in your own world once in awhile. escape from all the craziness around you. Anyways, about creativity. some people have and some just dont. too bad for those uncreative losers. uncreativity kinda makes you unfun.

I like being random and have a mind that constantly runs. a mind that can bring me to candy mountain or something(candy mountain is from "charlie the unicorn". funny shit). It's creative minds that make serious shows turn funny. So people. try expanding your mind a little. it helps alot. its good for the spirit =D try going to candy mountain once in awhile too. im out

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