Friday, July 2, 2010

Saving your ass

We will always try to escape from things. especially things that scare us or things that are risky. We tend to run away from the truth sometimes too. because the truth isn't always very pleasant. We can either point fingers or just take the blame. I'll choose to point fingers when that person is really close to me. as a joke that is =D and seriously, no one ever takes the blame. because no one dares facing the problem. Well grow some balls. We have to face our problems eventually and get rid of them.

Being like me is the easiest. go with the flow. don't worry about things and try facing them as quick as you can because its easier on the soul. You wont worry too much and start being paranoid. I get paranoid a lot actually. I constantly check to see if my things are still with me or if i left anything behind. Which is also better or else you'd turn up like my buddie wee king. I cannot count the times he's left his bag at a mamak stall or his things in peoples houses or cars. that is epic.

Anyways, we will alway try to save our asses and end up blaming someone else. it might not be the same for everyone but i guess most of us are the same. Most of us sometimes lie to get out of a situation. this happens all the time and we're trying to escape from a person or telling someone the truth or even paying for something you did wrong. through out eyes, we are always innocent =D

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