Sunday, July 18, 2010

smiles :D

Smiling, it's a way to show people that you're happy or enjoying that moment. It would never hurt anyone to just smile once in awhile. It good to smile at everyone, even strangers whom which you have never met or seen before. So if someone smiles at you, just smile back. It'll make them feel better too. Some people smile to hide away all their sadness and depression. It works most of the time but some people can tell whether it's a fake or a real smile. Most teenagers these day get all upset and moody for no reason. Maybe they broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend and thinks it's the end of the world. Well i say thats bullshit. you people are teenagers already. time to be mature and think right. Don't slit your wrist because you think it'll help because it WON'T! only endangers your life more. fucking moronic

Being happy is a good thing and acting happy just makes you even more sad. Yea we might have our crappy days but when you're down, get up and start walking again as fast as you can. Don't be vulnerable and let people take advantage of you. Everyone loves to see a smile and i know you do to. If someone breaks up with you, get past it and show the person who broke that tiny heart of yours how happy you are without them . Trying making that fake smile of yours real. I love being happy, so i try to throw away all the negativity and get back on my feet to have more fun. you should too.

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